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Management Advisory Services
ProActive Management™ Mindset & ToolBox™![]() WHB&A has developed the PMMT for managers and team members to use each shift, day, week, and period. The PMMT can be designed and implemented for all types of operations. We walk in your management and team member’s shoes to experience, review, analyze and identify every 5W1H of your operation. A 5W1H (Who, Where, What, When, Why, & How) is a point, tool, process, or skill that is identified and detailed for the opening, running and closing of your restaurant. Your PMMT is designed and customized for your specific brand and operation. It comprised of checklists, teaching/training documents, philosophies and processes for optimum operation of your restaurant. Each ProActive Management™ project includes; on-site introduction teaching session by WHB&A detailing your brand specific ProActive Management™ philosophy. These are the common sense tools that everyone “knows about” but are rarely found in use when owners or management visit restaurants. Does this situation sound familiar? The end deliverable is your ProActive Manager ToolBox™ and ProActive Manager PlayBook™. ![]() |